About Us
Drinking. Running. That’s all.
We’re really more of a drinking club with a running problem!
If you are new to Boise, or like to drink beer, run or if you crave acceptance from a group of not-too-discriminating people, please feel free to join us.We meet once a week on Monday nights for some exercise and fun.
To find out where this week’s hash will be, click here.
We are an organization devoted to running, drinking beer and (not so devoted to) singing. We are a chapter of the Worldwide Hash House Harriers, founded in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1938. Compared to most hashes, we could be considered pretty mellow, but that doesn’t mean you should bring your kids.
Welcome to the Boise Hash House Harriers About Us Page. You have chosen wisely! This web site conforms to the highest standards, that you as a person of good taste and a lover of fine things has naturally come to expect. There is little or no objectionable content on this web site aside from four cunts, three clitorises and a foreskin. And as they only occur in this paragraph, you are past them now.